
Rev. Dr. Jerry Maynard
2 min readNov 29, 2021


Sometimes that chill down your spine is just enough to flood your body with distress. Shivering through the perceived lack and risk of harm.

Cold always reminds me of how limited I am. The chilly breeze reminds me of the shadows that fall across the path when you are faced with choice. Cold is terrifying.

Potential is sometimes blurred in the cold and threat seems so clear.

How do we pray in the midst of the shadowy chill? Maybe a hug? Maybe a soft blanket wrapped around your shoulders can be the prayers of your ancestors.

Maybe hands in jacket pockets is a prayer of hope that warmth is possible.

I feel the blood coming back to my fingertips and the odd delight it brings me. I wish the same delight for you.

I do not know what security is but I know the coldness reminds me of how fleeting security can be.

Maybe security does not exist, instead, coldness is a call to worship in the moment finding the warmth of the sacred right in the center of you.

May the coldness help reveal the mystery of now and invite others out of the shadows to feel the warmth of love.


Written by:

Rev. Fr. Jerry Maynard

The People’s Priest

Nov 28th, 2021

6:00PM CST (TX)



Rev. Dr. Jerry Maynard

Postmodern Ministry Specialist & Researcher, Leadership Coach, Spiritual Influencer: For more Info: