Pieces of Peace

Rev. Dr. Jerry Maynard
2 min readNov 3, 2021


These days, peace seems to be incomplete. I hardly seem to have peace fully. Did I ever?

I recall the days when peace was there. Peace was a close companion that was often bothered but never disturbed. Peace is and has been disturbed.

Today, peace is distant and elusive, leaving only little traces of it’s presence.

Peace, how I miss you! Peace, how I long for you!

All I have are pieces of peace. All I have are those scattered moments of peace when the heart is steady and breathing is easy.

This piece of peace is a memory that reminds me of a time when I smiled. This piece of peace is a warm cup of coffee that makes me feel human again. This piece of peace is that moment when you are seen as “gift” even when you probably think yourself to be a curse.

Maybe during this time, just having pieces of peace is all we have? Maybe a piece of peace is better than no peace?

Maybe the magic is found in the mixing of our pieces to create a complete peace?

Ah! This is peace, that you and I connect, thus peace is crafted. Your pieces and my pieces, make peace.

Let’s solve this puzzle with these…pieces of peace.


written by:

Rev. Fr. Jerry Maynard

The People’s Priest

October 17th, 2021

12:32AM CST



Rev. Dr. Jerry Maynard

Postmodern Ministry Specialist & Researcher, Leadership Coach, Spiritual Influencer: For more Info: https://www.revjerrymaynard.org/