Silence Speaks

Rev. Dr. Jerry Maynard
1 min readNov 25, 2021

Whether we want it to or not, silence speaks and it speaks loudly!

In the stillness of the moment when we hear nothing but silence, surprising words are spoken.

I hear you; shame, disappointment, bitterness, rage.

I hear you; fear, abandonment, anxiety, doubt.

I hear myself; I want a song louder than the unbelief. I want a dance that is out of rhythm with hopelessness. I want a love that lingers beyond superficial infatuation. I want to know when I step forward to fight the good fight, you will be there to clean me up and say, “get back in there, we are proud of you”.

I hear the false narratives that I have crafted. I hear the soundtrack of distraction and manufactured positivity that others pressed “play” to when I wanted to change the station.

My question for my understanding of God and for each of us, can the silence teach us to listen differently?

What will you hear in the absurd language of silence?

Written by:

Rev. Fr. Jerry Maynard

The People’s Priest

Nov 25th, 2021

1:20PM CST (TX)



Rev. Dr. Jerry Maynard

Postmodern Ministry Specialist & Researcher, Leadership Coach, Spiritual Influencer: For more Info: